Peygamberimizin Esir İle İlgili Hadisleri

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Amr Ibn Taghlib (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

The spoils of war – or captives – were brought to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He distributed them by giving them to some and not giving them to others. When the grumblings of those to whom he had not given the goods reached him, he thanked and glorified Allah and said:

“I swear by Allah that I give to some people and I do not give to others. In fact, those to whom I do not give wealth are more beloved to me than those to whom I do give wealth. I give to some people because I see impatience and greed in their hearts. I leave some people alone with the contentment and goodness that Allah has created in their hearts. Amr Ibn Taghlib is one of them.”

Amr Ibn Taghlib said, “I swear to God, these words that the Prophet said about me are worth the whole world to me.”

Bukhari, Jumuah 29, Humus 19, Tawhid 49

It was narrated from Imran ibn Husayn (may Allah be pleased with him). He said: Adba belonged to a man from the Banu Akl tribe and he was one of those who passed the camels of the pilgrims. The man (together with his camel) was taken captive and brought to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) bound. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was on the back of a donkey with velvet on it. The man said: Muhammad! Why are you holding (this camel) which has passed me and the pilgrims? The Prophet said: I am holding you because of the crime of your ally, Thaqif.

They had taken two people from the companions of the Prophet captive. The man from his tribe said, “I am also a Muslim -or I have become a Muslim” – The doubt here belongs to the narrator. – When the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) passed by -Abu Dawud said, “I learned these words from Muhammad b. Isa”-; The man shouted: Muhammad! O Muhammad! The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was merciful (kind). He turned to the man and said, “What do you want?” I am a Muslim. If you had said this while you were in charge of your own affair (before being taken captive), you would have been completely saved.” Dawud said, “Then I turned to the hadith of Solomon.” The man said: Muhammad! I am hungry, feed me. I am thirsty, water me. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: This is your need -or this is his need- (fulfill his request).”

David narrated the words of the captured man, stating that he was a Muslim, and the answer of the Messenger of Allah from the narration of Muhammad ibn Isa; and the rest from the narration of Sulayman ibn Harb, and pointed this out. The man was given as ransom for two people (from the people of Saqif). The Prophet kept Adba to ride. They raided the animals of the people of Medina in the pasture and took Adba away. When they took him away, they also took a Muslim woman captive. They used to make their camels kneel in their yard at night. One night, they all slept, and the woman got up. Whichever camel she touched, it would low. Finally, she came to Adba. He came to a camel that was obedient and used to being ridden. She mounted it immediately, and then vowed that if Allah saved her, she would definitely slaughter it. When they arrived in Medina, it was understood that the camel belonged to the Prophet Muhammad and the Messenger of Allah was informed about it.

Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah sent a message and the woman was brought. He was informed of the woman’s vow. What a bad punishment you have given her – or what a bad punishment he has given her – if Allah saves him on this, he will surely slaughter her! There is no loyalty to the vow in rebellion against Allah and in that which no human being owns.” Dawud said: “This woman who was taken captive is the wife of Abu Dharr.” nuzur 8; Ibn Majah, kaffârat 16 (part); Ahmad b. Hanbel, IV, 430.

Zuhayr ibn Harb narrated to me: Mu’alla ibn Mansur narrated to us: Suhayl ibn Bilal narrated to us: Suhayl from his father, who from Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: The Hour will not come until we descend to Amak or Dabiq. On that day an army from the best of the people of the earth will come out from Medina to face them. When the soldiers line up, the Romans will say, “Let us free the space between us and those who have been taken captive from us; let us fight them.” The Muslims will say, “No! By Allah, we cannot create space between you and our brothers in Islam.” Then they will fight them, and one-third of them will be free, and Allah will never inspire them with repentance. One third of them will be killed, and they will be the most virtuous of martyrs in the sight of Allah.

One third will be conquered, they will not be subject to strife forever. Afterwards, Istanbul will be conquered. While the warriors are hanging their swords on olive trees and distributing the spoils, suddenly Satan will shout in their hearts: The Messiah has indeed taken your place in relation to your families. They will also come out, this is False. But when they come to Damascus, he will come out. While the warriors are preparing for war and arranging their ranks, the prayer will be performed and Jesus, the son of Mary (peace be upon him), will descend and want to go to them. When the enemy of Allah sees him, he will melt like salt dissolves in water. If he leaves him, he will be destroyed on his own, but Allah will crush him with His hand of power and show them his blood on his bayonet. and Dâbık or Dâbak are two places near Aleppo in Damascus.

The word “Subu” in the hadith has also been narrated as “Sabaw”. In this case, the meaning of the sentence would be to “release the gap between us and those whom you have taken captive from us”. Iyâz said, “The correct way is to read this word as subu. Most of the narrators have narrated it in this way”, but he said, “Both narrations are correct. Because they were first taken captive and then they took the disbelievers as captives. This is present in our time. Even in Damascus and Egypt, most of the Muslim soldiers were taken captive. Then today, thank God, they are taking the disbelievers as captives…” He is the narrator who hesitated when he said A’mâka or Dâbıka.

As can be understood from the context of the hadith, one third of the soldiers who will be free are Muslims. Allah will not inspire them to repent because they broke and ran away, they will insist on running away. The Messiah took your place regarding your families…” What is meant by the sentence; the families you left in your homeland fell into the hands of the Antichrist, and it is explained in the hadith that this is a lie and falsehood. The verb “emme” used about Jesus does not mean that he became an Imam, but that he wanted to follow the Muslims and go to them in order to take over the Sunnah of their Prophet. They said that the pronoun in this verb belongs to the Antichrist and his followers. In this case, the meaning of the sentence is: Hazrat-i Jesus will descend and mean to unite the Antichrist and his followers. was conquered and this miracle of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) found its place.
Sahih Muslim, Fitnah and the Apocalypse…

Abu Nuaym told us and said that Hammad ibn Zayd narrated from Ayyub from Abu Qilabah from Abu’l-Muhallab from Imran ibn Husayn that he said: The camel belonged to a man from the Banu Ukay. Then he was taken captive and taken to Azba. Then the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) passed by him while he was tied up and he said: “O Muhammad! Why are you seizing me and taking Azba, who has left the pilgrims behind? While I am a Muslim!” Then the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “If you had said this while you were in charge of your own affair (i.e. before you were taken captive), you would have been completely saved!”

Then the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) continued his speech as follows: “We are arresting you because of the crime of your allies (the tribe of Sakif)!” The tribe of Sakif had broken the treaty they had made with the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and had taken two men from the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) captive. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) came (to the prisoner) on a donkey with a fringed felt on it. Then he (the prisoner) said: ‘O Muhammad! I am truly hungry, feed me; I am truly thirsty, give me water!’ The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “These are your needs, (they will be taken care of immediately!)” This man was released in exchange for two men (from the Muslims). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also kept Azba to ride for himself – another narrator said, “in exchange for his share”.

This (camel) was one of the (fast camels) that overtook the pilgrims (caravans) and left them behind. Later, the polytheists raided the animal herds of Medina and took them away, including Azba, and took a Muslim woman captive. When they camped, they set their camels around (their tents)… -Abu Muhammad (ad-Darimi) said, “He uttered a word (here, I cannot remember).”- Then, when night came, while they were fast asleep, this woman got up and (went to the camels). But every camel she put her hands on started to low.

Finally, he came to Azba. So he came to the obedient and experienced camel of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and mounted it. Then he headed towards Medina and vowed that if Allah saved him, he would surely sacrifice it. (Imran) continued his speech as follows: when he came to Medina, his camel was recognized and it was said, “Look, it is the camel of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)!” Then they brought it to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). The woman made her vow. Then the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, “How evil you have repaid her. If Allah saves her, He will surely sacrifice her. Know well that there is no fulfillment of the vow in disobedience to Allah or in matters that mankind does not possess.”
Sunan Darimi, Book of Biography

Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shaybah also narrated this hadith to us. Yazid ibn Harun narrated it to us. H. Muhammad ibn Bashar narrated it to us. Abu Dawud narrated it to us. These narrators all narrated this chain of narration from Shu’bah. According to his statement, the woman was a captive and pregnant. It is not permissible for her to have sexual intercourse with her after she has given birth to a child. What is meant by the (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) saying: How can this man make the child an heir when it is not permissible for him to inherit? How can he use the child as a servant when it is not permissible for him to use him as a slave? The following is what is meant by the fact that a woman may delay giving birth for six months.

Then the child to be born can be from the captor or from her previous husband. If the child is left by the captor, the child will be the man’s own son. And there will be no inheritance between them. Because they are not related to each other. In that case, that man can use the child to serve himself. Because it is his property. Therefore, the hadith is evaluated as follows: “There may be a man who adds the lineage of this child to his own lineage and makes the child his son and heir. However, since the child is not his, it is not lawful for him to make him an heir. It is possible that he uses this child as a slave and makes him his slave.

However, this is also not permissible. Because the period of pregnancy is suitable for considering the child as his. Due to this drawback, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse with such a woman. According to Iyad, the meaning of this hadith is that the child in the woman’s womb will grow with the semen of the man who captured her and the child will be a partner between the two people, therefore, it cannot be employed. According to him, this hadith is like the hadith: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let not his own semen water someone else’s child!” However, Nawawi found this interpretation of Qadi weak and even false, and said, “The truth is what we say.”
Sahih Muslim, Abwabu Sujudi’l-Quran

Amr ibn Muhammad An-Naqid narrated to me: Yazid ibn Harun narrated to us: Hammad ibn Salama reported from Sabit from Anas ibn Malik that eighty people from the people of Mecca came down from Mount Tan’im armed against the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). They wanted to take the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and his Companions by surprise, but he took them captive and let them live. Thereupon Allah (the Mighty and Majestic) revealed the 24th verse of Surah al-Fath. It means heedlessness.

The word “Salem” in this hadith has also been narrated in the forms “Salm” and “Siim”. Salem: To take captive means “salm” and “silm” means reconciliation, peace. Hattabi definitely ruled that it should be read as “salem” and said, “What is meant by this is: To submit.” Ibn’l-Athir also said, “This is what suits this story. Because the Meccans were not made peace, but were taken as a victim; they surrendered themselves because they were helpless. But there is also an aspect of the second statement, which is this: Since they were not fought with the Meccans and could not defend themselves from the Muslims, they were considered to have been taken prisoner; and on this condition, they are considered to have made a compromise.”
Sahih Muslim, Jihad and Biography

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